Where Do Your Donations Go?

REVisions is a Pittsburgh Based Non-Profit that Fights Systematic Racism and Teaches our Next Generation about Diversity and Inclusivity.

How Do Donations Help Us?

A donation of any amount helps reduce the amount of time our organization spends fundraising and increases the amount of time we can spend on our mission. Non-profits are businesses too, and unrestricted donations allow us to be innovative, provide high quality services, and sustain our work when other resources are unavailable. Donating is a selfless act. One of the major positive effects of donating is simply feeling good about giving. Being able to give back to those in need helps you achieve a greater sense of personal satisfaction and growth. We appreciate all donations, great and small!

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Your Donation Supports:


Financial Literacy Seminars


Mentorship Program Training


General Operating Support


Free Book Giveaways